H o n e y
Resident Herbalist
Personality | Honey is the happiest when living on the edge of pack life, watching from outside rather than partaking in the daily affairs of her pack mates. Not one to start conversations herself and will keep her interactions on a superficial level, maintaining a veil of secrecy around her thoughts and emotions. Despite her closedness, she radiates a friendly energy and gets along well with all pack members.
Trivia | Honey was born the runt out of a litter of four in another pack. She is the smallest of all the adult wolves in her current pack and has a slightly chubby posture.
She was one of the first wolves to join Skye and Aldwight after she had left her birth pack as a young adolescent. There is no other wolf Honey holds more respect for than Skye, even though Honey often thinks different of Skye's decisions.