Shade and Pyrite spent time trading stories about the adventures of the elders and the mischief of the pups.
Pyrite and Nyle decided to enjoy time swimming together.
You see Pyrite trying to unsuccessfully get a tick off their back. They ask for help, saying they'll check you over, too!
Conall and Pyrite have perfectly matched singing voices—you could hear it from far away!
With a cheerful smile, Pyrite brings you a gift, placing it carefully in front of you. When you nod in appreciation, they ask if maybe you have a gift for them, too? Gained 1x Weasel Carcass!
Pyrite and Shade decided to enjoy time swimming together.
Pyrite sees you coming and splits their prey in half for you to share with them. How sweet!
Pyrite and Nyle have perfectly matched singing voices—you could hear it from far away!
Pyrite and Conall took time to look for useful things to bring back to the pack.