Altocumulus, lovingly known as Alto, is a wolf who can never seem to see things on the bright side. Pessimistic and easily angered, most of his pack tends to give him a wide girth. It's amazing he hasn't been overthrown by now. It is believed that the only reason he even has the ability to keep the pack in order is due to his friend and confidante, Cirrus. Although mates for the betterment of the pack, they are not a romantic couple and consider themselves to be friends more than anything else. She keeps him in line and helps guide him as he struggles to lead his pack.
Alto has a tendency to also get himself into trouble, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion each and every patrol through the territory. Nobody can tell him to stand down from a fight and so he is often seen with wounds - scabbed or fresh.
Despite his anger and depression, however, Alto does have a brilliant mind. He may not have the strength or the wherewithal to lead alone, but he does lead well.