Item #: 1928-J
Object Class: Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1928-J is to be contained in a large cave within the light containment zone. Four speakers are to be placed in approximate corners of the cave, playing popular Disney song "It's A Small World After All" at all times. Under no circumstances is the song to be changed or the speakers turned off. SCP-1928-J is to be provided with Disney brand products upon request, as long as it willingly participates in interviews and testing without harming personnel or attempting to breach containment.
Description: SCP-1928-J is an eastern wolf with markings resembling popular cartoon character Mickey Mouse. While most of its fur is black, it has a cream face and markings on its chest and underside. SCP-1928-J speaks in a high-pitched voice, also similar to the aforementioned character. It is noted to be almost exactly like Mickey Mouse, with the only exception being the fact that it is a wolf.
In all aspects except mental, I am a wolf. Arf!
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(Not part of document) Containment Procedure Ideas
turnipcats (#26734)
@[1389] If "It's a Small World Afterall" isn't playing in his enclosure at all times his class is bumped to Keter
2020-11-17 21:23:33
WonderFounder (#7861)
@[1389] staff provides him disney themed products sometimes if requested if he willing participates in questioning and doesn't eat people
2020-11-17 21:24:55
Basket the Gremlin (#47813)
Maybe he morphs into a horrendous monster if the music isn't played that resembles a mangled wolf/mouse creature
2021-09-24 20:38:31