New Puppy 668 gained +4 stalking proficiency points (new total: 4) from observing the hunt. +1 smarts (new total: 60)
New Puppy 668 gained +5 stalking proficiency points (new total: 7) from observing the hunt. +1 wisdom (new total: 56)
New Puppy 668 gained +3 stalking proficiency points (new total: 10) from observing the hunt. +1 wisdom (new total: 57)
New Puppy 668 gained +3 chasing proficiency points (new total: 3) from observing the hunt. +2 agility (new total: 59)
New Puppy 668 gained +5 chasing proficiency points (new total: 7) from observing the hunt. +1 speed (new total: 58)
New Puppy 668 gained +4 chasing proficiency points (new total: 10) from observing the hunt. +1 speed (new total: 59)
New Puppy 668 gained +3 chasing proficiency points (new total: 12) from observing the hunt. +2 speed (new total: 61)
New Puppy 668 gained +4 chasing proficiency points (new total: 15) from observing the hunt. +1 agility (new total: 60)
New Puppy 668 gained +4 chasing proficiency points (new total: 18) from observing the hunt. +1 agility (new total: 61)
New Puppy 668 gained +3 chasing proficiency points (new total: 20) from observing the hunt. +1 speed (new total: 62)
New Puppy 668 gained +5 chasing proficiency points (new total: 20) from observing the hunt. +2 speed (new total: 64)
New Puppy 668 gained +3 chasing proficiency points (new total: 20) from observing the hunt. +1 agility (new total: 89)
New Puppy 668 (#3705354) aged up! He gained the following from training in puppyhood: +27 Agility, +27 Speed, +9 Wisdom!