[Corenza’s Shadow -- Whenever this wolf gets blessed by Corenza, the rewards are doubled.]
Entered at 1y, 11m (46 rollovers) old; can breed at 2 y, 11m old (70 rollovers)
[Anxious/Keen] -- blurb
[Trait 2] -- blurb
[Trait 3] -- blurb
[Trait 4] -- blurb
Neutral Evil
-- BIO --
vote sasida, she's SUS
hails from a small loner group that disbanded due to lack of resources.
believes in a different religion, but converted to this one.
Neutral To (59) Kitizra
Relationship (##) Praleda
Relationship (##) Falema
Relationship (##) Azrome
Relationship (##) Sirela
Relationship (##) Graeno
Relationship (##) Fokuna
Relationship (##) Kokuna
Relationship (##) Akuli
[Heteroromantic Pansexual]