This wolf is immortal! It will never age or die. It cannot be bred or used in roles, or retired into. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
[ A shudder races between your shoulders, skating down your spine. You can't see anything for miles, only a faint glow of water lapping at a shore. A behemoth of a wolf idly gazes your way from out in the fog... The frigid air surrounding you only grows thicker as she nears in a pitch black vessel. "A sea fare paid, a soul spared. A sea fare dodged, a soul stolen." The fog bellowed, just above the black waters. You question whether or not to trust the notion. The boat stops at the shore, but she doesn't move a muscle. All you can see is the breath from her nostrils. ]
[ Do you dare pay the fee? ]
Born with 4 event marks
Added 3 event marks
Completed dream lead 6/3/22
Former lead, will always be lead in my heart <3