Raven was not thought of as a god. He was thought of as the transformer, the trickster. He was the being that changed things—sometimes quite by accident, sometimes on purpose."
By Derpy #6646
Starting stat: 188
We Hit the NBW LB(At 868 stats) on 6/24/22 2300 WD Time, at 1y11.5m, woo yearling on the LB!
Main LB(at 1609 stats) on 7/28/22 2300 WD Time at 3y3.5m
3K stats as of September 14th 2022 at 5y3m 2310 WD time
4K stats as of November 14th 2022 at 7y8m 1700 WD time
6,219 total guarana used
You are one lucky little shit
You will do everything your father couldn't
Child of my two current favorite wolves, DreamWalker and FantasyPainter
Thank you for coming home ❤️