This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 6 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Death of Alpha Sirris..
The time has come to choose an heir to continue your Pack's dynasty.. Pick one of the wolves in your pack bellow to take up the helm and lead the pack.
New Alpha Female..
Khaki was chosen as the new Alpha Female to lead the pack alongside Sirris' son, Alias II. Both wolves were chosen to lead the pack by the Alpha herself, before her death Sirris granted them the lead Alphas. With them, her daughter Yuuki and another named Adrien II. This male was to be by Sirris' daughters side as the Co-Alpha's. It is their duty as Alpha's to protect the pack as they promised to their former, Sirris and now elder of the pack. With Sirris' death came a new rein of four wolves. Khaki, Alias II, Yuuki and Adrien II. Let's hope they live up to their former Alpha's expectations.