Chilling Winter is a pup of unknown origins, adopted from the Enclave by Golden Fern and Sweet Honey. He is wise beyond his years and with great intelligence. These traits were most prominent and notable when the pair met the young pup, and due to kind and trusting personality, the two decided to adopt him. It has been decided that not only he will train to be the next healer, but to also be the mate of
Glacial Flame once they both are of age. She will be the pack Queen, and he will be wed.
So far, it seems that the two pups get along wonderfully, becoming fast friends without any outside force. Some would go as far as to say that it was fate that brought the two together, that they are soulmates even. Whatever it may be, Golden Fern, Sweet Honey and Burning Star know that he will make a great healer and a wonderful asset to the pack.