This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down and has no more heats left! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
In Hinduism, Aranyani is a goddess of the forests and the animals that dwell within them. She is believed to be the mother of them all. Her name comes from the word, Aranya, which means forest in Sanskrit. Goddess Aranyani animates and protects the forest, and provides food for humankind. She has been worshipped in India as the chief expression of life and fertility. Aranyani has been described as elusive, preferring quiet glades deep in the jungle. She has no fear of remote places, and keeps to the fringes of civilization without becoming lonely. Although she is rarely seen, she wears anklets with little bells, and you can hear her moving through the forest. She also enjoys dancing amongst the trees. Goddess Aranyani has the distinction of having one of the most descriptive hymns in the Rigveda dedicated to her.