I was given to this pack when I was just a puppy. It was shortly after I weaned. The pups are so sweet. Im not good with pups though.. so I'm a chaser for my hunting party, The Hunters. They are all so kind to me. We all flirt a lot. Sobek was the one who trained me to chase.
I love this pack so much ! But Taburn, Athena, and Shinrin are really nasty. I've seen hints of kindness to the pack from Taburn.. so I think she might change. Athena and Shinrin are so close to eachother, and kind to eachother and really only eachother. I think they should form a pairbond. I dont know why they havent yet.
Ive been told my dad died. My mom told me. I saw my mom once, and she told me my dad died right around the time I went to see her. She told me that if I would have came a bit earlier that I could have seen him. Im sad I didnt. I heard he lived to 7 years and 9 1/2 months. He lived pretty close to the longest a wolf has ever lived, unless immortal. Im happy he had a long life. I miss him very much.