Kida is an adventurous young pup who often leads the other pups on expeditions around camp. Much like Eclipse, she has shown great strength and accuracy, leading to a plan to train her as a finisher. For now, she is content to be a puppy, wagging her tail at anyone who stops to play a game with her!
Kida, now an adolescent, has been training hard as a finisher. Her extremely odd appearance has deterred several from knowing how to speak to her, but to those who can see beyond it, it is clear she is a charming and kind individual. Her playfulness helps keep tensions low, whatever the season, and she has even managed to remain close to Saoirse as she has grown. The two seem to bond over their unusual gazes, and Kida can often be seen curled up near the cryptic wolf and her pups, letting the youngsters chew her ears and tail.