During the lesson: Reedstripe explained to Pyriade how wet fur is not a good idea, especially in the winter. She demonstrated how to find rocks and dry patches to cross a creek or a river instead of swimming across it.
During the lesson: Viri tied the toy to a string made of straw. She pulled the toy between rocks and bushes and Pyriade had to pounce and steal it without being detected by Viri's keen senses.
Pyriade was chasing a squirrel today through nearby bushes when one of her ears got snagged on a thick twig. She tried to escape the bush, resulting in the twig tearing through her ear. Ouch! Oh no! Pyriade gained a small injury and suffered -2 HP
During the lesson: Pyriade challenged 148F 5M TII to a tusseling match. She savagely clawed 148F 5M TII's nose, and Arlo gave her a stern look and said claws were only supposed to be used like that when hunting.