During the lesson: Convolvulus reminded Kirby not to giggle each time he walks by. It would make the hiding technique much more efficient.
During the lesson: Shari sat calmly as she supervised Kirby's first attempts to chase a lizard. He did his best, but the urge to play was stronger than anything and he showed promise but still had room to improve.
During the lesson: Shari stuffed herbs into her mouth and chewed them into a paste. She spit the wad into a paw and dabbed it onto a leaf, showing Kirby the proper technique.
Kirby responds to your questions in a friendly manner, but it's clear that they enjoy their time alone.
Kirby notices you and starts some small talk. They don't seem to care about your responses, instead preferring to hear themselves talk. As they ramble on, they pass something your way without pausing.
+1 to Relationship