[Full Biography Here]
"Uhh, can I help you?"
This female curls her lip in disgust as you approach, but she
doesn't bother to stand. She lay with her forepaws crossed in front of her, and
her long, fluffy tail curled around her hind paws. Between her forepaws, she holds a shining green rock in an almost
protective manner. Her fur is groomed neatly; the white portions show nary a
hint of dirt or stains.
Tikaani is the
eldest living pup of the Shenandoah Pack's leader, Tanana, and the scout
Ambrose. She possesses a serious bearing, and carries herself with an almost haughty confidence. Still, she seems to have the respect of her packmembers at this stage in her life.
Some of the older members of the pack would tell you in hushed voices
that her puppyhood was cut short by grief and sorrow. There's truth to this.
While she was a carefree and mischievous puppy up until three months old, a
significant life event set her on the path toward becoming a bitter and
pessimistic wolf. Her littermate, Kenai, fell from a cliff to his death while
he and Tikaani were playing. The death shook her young family to its core,
resulting in a massive rift between Tikaani and Ambrose. The trauma of losing
her brother was compounded by an emotional abandonment from her father, and
Tikaani became a rebellious and gloomy adolescent as a result.
A major step in
her growth occurred just as she reached young adulthood. She struck out on her
own, initially intending to leave Shenandoah for good. After a long journey to
the north, Tikaani discovered Wapiti Run, and was taken in by the pack that
lived there. During this time she came into her own, and learned to value the
pack bonds that she'd been so quick to leave behind. The Wolves of Wapiti Run
were a tight-knit group, and feeling the warmth of their love for one another
made Tikaani homesick. She returned to Shenandoah, and actually managed to
secure an alliance between the two packs. She took no small measure of pride
from this accomplishment. Thanks to her journey and the wolves she met in the
northern forests, Tikaani grew more secure in herself. This isn't to say that
her personality lost all of its bite, however; she is still known to sulk and
snap a bit more often than most.
Tikaani is in
love with Conoco, the son of Wapiti Run's
Alpha. Her initial bond with him was casual, at least for her part. Like Tikaani, he was a young adult dealing with abandonment from one of his parents - his mother - and they had both grown somewhat prickly in the face of hardship. They explored Wapiti Run together, enjoying one another's company. Tikaani's first heat came and went during her stay in Wapiti Run, and she was grateful to be with Conoco at the time. She became pregnant with his pups, which she did not realize until after
returning to Shenandoah. She was initially overcome with fear and shame, but
everything turned out well in the end. As the two of them raised their pups --
two in Shenandoah and the other in Wapiti Run -- they conducted regular visits
to keep the pups' bonds to the rest of their family close. Over the course of
the litter's upbringing, Tikaani fell deeply for the handsome Wapiti Run scout who
made her feel so much less alone.
Art of Tikaani with Kenai's Amazonite by abird 10357
Art of Tikaani with Falcon by Amethyst 17463