Bluemoon stood in the entrance of the cave, there was a wolf standing in the middle of it. "What do you want?" A tan wolf turned around, growling. "No one respects you." Bluemoon circled the older male, baring his teeth. "I'm young, you're old, I'm handsome, you're ugly." He unsheathed his claws, stepping closer to the tan wolf, still circling him. "Then why am I in the leader pups family tree?" He growled lunging forward, barely missing Bluemoon. "Can't you see? She doesn't love you, everyone loves me." Bluemoon's fur started to bristle, but he was not afraid, he wanted to fight. "No one will love you when they find out how cruel you are!" The tan wolf growled, unsheathing his claws. "Oh, I'm not cruel. You're cruel. Look, your claws are unsheathed." Bluemoon lunged forward, pinning the tan wolf. "But you started this!" He snarled pushing Bluemoon off of him. "Sandy.. You think they'll believe I started this?" Bluemoon laughed, shaking dirt off of his pelt. Sandy threw himself onto Bluemoon, biting on the back of his neck. Bluemoon rolled over, squishing Sandy in-between him and the ground.