Currents | |
Age | 6 years 0 months (Adult) |
Sex | Female |
Energy |
Mood |
Hunger |
HP |
Personality | Anxious |
Breeding Information | |
Age in Rollovers | 144 |
Pups Bred | 0 pups bred |
Last Bred | Never |
Fertility | Average |
Heat Cycle |
In heat for 4 rollovers ![]() |
Items Applied | None! |
Pair Bond |
Looks | |
Base | Liver (0.77%) |
Base Genetics | Warm Dark I |
Eyes | Amber |
Skin | Black |
Nose | Black |
Claws | Black |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | View Report |
Variant | Default |
Slot 1 | Black Blanket (100% : T0) |
Slot 2 | Red Smudge (100% : T1) |
Slot 3 | Black Butcher (100% : T1) |
Slot 4 | White Urajiro (100% : T1) |
Slot 5 | White Cape (97% : T0) |
Slot 6 | White Toes (95% : T1) |
Slot 7 | Black Butcher (43% : T1) |
Slot 8 | White Urajiro (56% : T1) |
Slot 9 | Black Limbs (52% : T1) |
Slot 10 | White Toes (54% : T1) |
Hi! it seems you've stumbled upon a traveling wolf ^^ If you aren't familiar with the main rules you can find them here as well as the main thread!
-Please return at age 6.5 years old to ✦ Red ✦
-ONLY swap/give through the Traveling den main thread, if unable to find host send back to owner
-Please do NOT breed with any wolf!
-If you want to make art for him, link it under your lore <3
-ONLY add decor and lore
-NO roles please
-Keep max 8 days!
-Yes you can create lore relationships with your wolves and Cypha :D
-I check on Cypha everyday to make sure he is fine!
-sometimes I will PM you with a question, etc.
-IF you are you unable to write in his bio please PM me and I will record whatever I haven't so that way his journey may continue
Traveler as of 6/1/2022
Happy pride <3
Pronouns [He/Him/They/Them]
Genderfluid and Polyamorous wolf!
His google doc with all recorded info
Main lore:
As a young pup Cypha didnt know how to contribute to the pack, being someone born from the lead wolf, it was to be expected for them to become to next heir. But living that role was not something they wanted, so he left bidding farewell to his pack in hopes of finding adventure, and maybe some companions.
[PLEASE write in your info at the bottom of the page]
Name & ID:
Date received:
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Partner [If any]:
Name & ID: Silver Moon #33262
Date received: June 1, 2022 (happy pride month!!)
Decors added: Celtic Astrology [Topaz] - Ogham Trinket
Partner [If any]: none
Lore: Beginning their journey through the taiga, Cypha weaved through the trees with grace, despite tripping over roots a few times. He had to admit, it took a while to adjust to the rather overgrown landscape, though once he did, the roots and undergrowth stood no chance! After a bit of trekking, the wolf came across a large, hidden dip in the ground. It didn't take a genius to know that this was the camp of another pack, though it seemed abandoned, despite the rather fresh scent. Cypha figured that the pack moved away, though it was still pretty creepy to find such a tidy place so lifeless. Deciding to stay in the camp for the night, the traveler settled in to a nearby nest, which seemingly to belonged to a scout. Next morning, they found a small trinket near the den. It didn't seem like the pack would be returning for it, so Cypha took it for himself, before resuming to their journey
Name & ID: Neaye (#3866)
Date received: 03 June 2022
Decors added: Red Oak Branch
Partner [If any]: None
Lore: Cypha happened upon the pack Skaevie in the middle of the night, with a minor limp after an incident with a deer. Having gone a few days without food he was starting to get quite motivated to fill his stomach. He introduced himself and stated his intentions with his visit in their territory, and they didn't seem to object. He was after all only one lone injured wolf, and they had plenty of prey in the area this time of year. They provided him with a smaller carcass and allowed him to stay in the outer areas for a few days to be able to rest and regain his strength before moving on.
Name & ID: 🌺Sweet Angel🌺 (#69847) [꧁𝓢𝓲𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷꧂]
Date received: 08 June 2022
Decors added: None
Partner [If any]: None
Lore: After a week of travel, Cypha bumped into Fernanda out exploring the grasslands just outside of her territory. Cold and tired Cypha followed her back, she introduce them to the pack, Hartlyn ran around them playfully barking asking what the outside world is like. The Herbalist and Mentor introduced themselves to Cypha. He spent most of his days hanging out with Fleta, her claim presences making them feel safe. Even though he was enjoying himself in Silver Moon Pack he felt he needed to keep going, saying goodbye to Fernanda and Fleta before he left to continue his journey.
Name & ID: PiffleLovesBaseball #740
Date received: 12th June 2022
Decors added: Burning Bush Crown
Partner [If any]: Daxis the herbalist
Lore: When Cypha arrived at the Court of Howls, the pack was going through a severe cough epidemic. Daxis, the herbalist of the Court, immediately recruited Cypha as his assistant forager, ordering him to find as much kava as possible. But Cypha was not an herbalist and all he managed to find was tons of burning bush herbs. He still took them back to the pack but, seeing as Daxis wasn't using them, he decided to crafting something for himself.
That night, after most of the sick wolves had been healed, Daxis approached Cypha and complimented him for his crown. The two of them talked for a bit, discovering they had a lot in common, and decided to spend the few days of Cypha's stay cuddling together.
Name & ID: Chiron #71646
Date Received: 16th June 2022
Decors added: None
Partner [if any]: Zephyros
Lore: As Cypha came across the Penumbran Pack, everyone gave them a warm welcome. In particular, he was heavily welcomed by the herbalist, who had stripes on his black fur the color of moss. He introduced himself as Zephyros, and he explained that his boyfriend had gone traveling yesterday, which led to intense emotions. They sympathized with him, as it was too early for someone so young to experience that loss, even if it was temporary. Since Daxis gave Cypha experience with foraging, he decided to accompany Zeph during his short time here, even adopting and raising a young pup with him by the name of Thanatos. (Please don't worry; Zeph and his BF are both polyamorous and okay with this! :D)
Name & ID: Radar (#53941)
Date received: 06.18.22
Decors added: N/A
Partner [If any]: N/A
Cypha left, a bit upset that he had to leave his last partner behind. But this was the life on a traveler. He got to Gnome pack in the prairie. They were setting up when Minnow started speaking to them "wanna go hunting?"
"Not much of a hunter." Cypha responded.
Minnow smiles and says
"well, if you're ever interested come find me!"
Minnow ran off to the others.
After that the pair tended to talk when Minnow got back from hunting. Minnow was excited about getting a daughter soon and Cypha was happy to have a new friend.
Name & ID: InukGraywolf #49201
Date received: 06/24/2022
Decors added: scattered bones
Partner [If any]: Deirdre
Lore: Upon entering Salmonstone territory, Cypha was unsure of this new area. He was found by the infamous pair of sisters, Gwyneth and Deirdre. Although Deirdre was quite untrusting towards them at first, it was by rule they take Cypha in and care for them as they sought refuge here. Cypha was brought to the Traveler's Col, where Deirdre would collect him each morning to venture the camp, and share meals. Deirdre found Cypha to be alluring, and found herself quite fond with his presence. Cypha spent their time with her here before his next journey took hold, having acquired various pieces of bone he'd shared with the valiant female, after being told they'd bring him good fortune as a talisman.
Name & ID: HollySplash #59562
Date received: 07/2/2022
Decors added: N/A
Partner [If any]: N/A
Lore: N/A
Name & ID: 🌧️ • Rainii • 🌧️ #20486
Date received: 7/8/22
Decors added: Celtic Cloak [Black]
Partner [If any]: None
Lore: Cypha traveled North into the Glacier, where they encountered the herbalist of a pack known as the Spirits of Silvertip. The herbalist, who went by the name of Alistair, greeted them and asked them where they'd come from. Cypha explained that they were a traveling wolf, who traveled the wild world and stayed in different packs for a short period of time. Alistair found that interesting and, after some light chatter, allowed Cypha to stay in his pack for a few days. They headed back together, side by side, deep in conversation. As they walked, Cypha grew fond of the herbalist.
One morning, as the pack was awaking from a deep sleep, Cypha prepared himself. A few moments after Alistair rose, Cypha lead him somewhere private and told him how they felt. Alistair nodded and smiled. He explained that he didn't feel romantic feelings, but he appreciated their honesty and bravery. With that, he gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek. Cypha was disappointed, but he understood. The two friends then padded off and took a long, relaxing walk on the shore.
Name & ID: crash #75512
Date received: 7/14/22
Decors added: none
Partner [If any]: none
Lore: Cypha started to miss the chill of the North as the hot desert air whipped into his thick coat. They had been roaming the barren wasteland for hours, looking for any signs of life but finding nothing other than lone bug. Exhaustion loomed over the young wolf as he padded onward, paws scorching on the hot sand and dehydration starting to make a physical presence. Another lone explorer watched the young wolf as they were eventually overcome by exhaustion on the edge of their territory. The wolf made his way to the passed-out wolf and carefully dragged him towards a lone oasis where they could recover slowly. Most wolves don't make it this far, and the desert pack, while reclusive, was anything but cruel. When Cypha awoke, the first thing he took in was the cold water over his legs. Glancing around the small oasis the young wolf spotted a small selection of food and a large tree hanging above his head giving him shade. Venus was long gone and Cypha wasn't sure they were even really breathing. Nonetheless, they took the time to recover from the heat and prepared to make their next adventure.
Name & ID: ✦ Red ✦#61857
Cypha traveled back to his home pack for a short rest period, once he arrived the pack celebrated with a small feast and gifted him 2 Ring Earring (black) from his best friends Nyx and Crow
Date received: 7/22/22
Name & ID: Euphrates #58439
Date received: 7/29/22
Decors added: N/A
Partner [If any]: N/A
Lore: At the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring, Cypha was able to find their way into the company of the wolves of Clemensly. It was a rough winter, seeing as how the pack nearly ran out of food, but with the start of a fresh and bountiful season, and Cypha's welcomed helping paws, the pack was able to quickly restore their diminished food supply. Warm spring days dining and chatting was how Cypha spent his days in the company of the pack before they eventually continued on their travels.
Name & ID: PiffleLovesBaseball #740
Date received: 3rd August 2022
Decors added: Snowladen Fur
Partner [If any]: Daxis (and Rhoex)
Lore: Cypha's pace increased the moment he entered the Court's territory. He was eager to see the pack again, remembering how pleasant his previous visit had been. He went immediately toward the herbalist's cave, where Daxis welcomed him with a big smile. Cypha was also introduced to Rhoex, Daxis' young apprentice, who had just started learning about herbs and medicines.
That night, even if it was already spring, a chilling wind blowed in the mountains, covering everything in a thin layer of snow. Cypha snuggled tightly with Daxis and Rhoex to stay warm, covering them with his cloak until morning came.
Name & ID: Lumity (#70033)
Date Received: August 5, 2022
Decors added:
Partner [If any]: N/A
Lore: Cypha arrived at the home of the Owls in the middle of the day. Mountains lined the distance and behind them, where they had just come out, was a wide expanse of forest. He padded forward, sniffing the air. There was a strong smell of wolves, but before they could figure out where something hit him hard from behind. They yelped, tumbling over as they found themselves staring at a red-orange wolf. She couldn't have been more than 6 months old, but her attack surprised them. "Flicker!"
There was a yelp from another wolf. "What did I tell you about attacking other wolves before learning their story? I'm so sorry," the wolf spoke to Cypha directly. "Flicker is a bit rambunctious, her old pack didn't follow the same rules as we do. I'm Flora."
Cypha got up. "Cypha."
"I take it you are a traveler?" Flora swished her tail. "We're always welcome to new arrivals, even if they aren't staying long. Come on, lets talk to Willow and see if we can get you a place to stay for a bit."
Name & ID: Blackwidow #43418
Date received: 8/10/22
Decors added:
Partner [If any]:
Lore: Cypha found themselves stumbling upon the Adolphous pack. A very fun loving and generous pack. During their stay they met their former traveler Odette who just had pups. She told them the stories she had gathered on her travels. Along with the story of how she became a traveler and had followed in her mother's footsteps. During their stay they helped with scouting missions, herb finding, hunting and told the rest of stories of his own during his travels.
Name & ID: ✦ Red ✦#61857
Date received: 8/20/22
During Cyphas travels to the next pack, he had heard a rumor of his mother due for retirement soon, worried for her health he left in a hurry back home. upon arriving it seemed the rumors were true, tomorrow on the 22nd his mother was to retire and his youngest half sibling Robin was to take over the pack. Cypha spent the remaining time with his mother. Sad that the time has come, they talked about his travels, hoping to brighten his mothers heart and hear her laugh and smile. She urged him to keep traveling, not to let his dream go, she was so happy to see him once again.
Name & ID: 🌾🐺Charcoal🐺🌾 #65778
Date received: 8/29/2022
Decors added: Scattered Foliage [Dry]
Partner [If any]: N/A
Lore: Cypha was found by a wolf named Bat, his weary legs tired from running. Running from where his birthplace was; they had to continue though, for their mother. Once in the Winged Keepers Pack, he was told by Bat to stay out of Flare, the pack leader's, way. They learned that the pack was stricter when it comes to status', many wolves would bite and pick on those with a weaker status while some wolves, like Flare herself, would attack anyone just to make sure she was on top of the hierarchy. Those who were treated like dirt were in the Lowland Akalat Guild, Cypha was lucky that the healer was kind enough to let them stay in his den. All Cypha knew though, was that he didn't want to stay here for long, that was sure...

Name & ID: Faeyne #7280
Date received: 9/2/2022
Decors added: Spiral Bracelet [Gold]
Partner [If any]: N/A
Lore: Horrid weather conditions and too many close calls with strange and violent creatures, had Cypha stumbling into the Rockford Pack purely by chance. The pack generously them stay as long as needed, and other travelers shared their experiences with the world as well, helping Cypha to better plan for future journeys...at the very least they want to avoid the more nasty and horrid creatures, the weather and the creatures who merely want to be left alone are easy to deal with by comparison. Once they felt more comfortable with the idea of leaving, they let the pack ahead of time and said the fondest farewells to a few of the wolves they felt the closest to. ♥
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Partner [If any]:
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Name & ID:
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Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
48 | 49 | 43 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
42 | 45 | 227 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Decorations and Background |

4 uses left
No Role!
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 0 |
Total Number of Hunts | 0 |
Successful Hunts | 0 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 1 |