Foxglove was alone in the forest when she was just a little pup, her family had been viciously attacked by poachers. As her mother valiantly defended her pups until her last ounce of strength, she bade them to run into the deep forest as fast as their little paws could carry them. She was the only one of her family that managed to escape the poachers, her siblings had been trapped in nets but she had managed to slip between the legs of the poachers, she did as her dying mother had wished and ran like the wind.
But now she was lost and weak, huddled into a bed of pine needles in the nook of a fallen tree, she cried and cried with her little puppy howls. She hid there a full night and day until a dark brown speckled wolf snuffled along her trail right up to her hiding spot. "I am Bramble of the forest gaurdians, where is your family" he said in a gentle growl, "they are all dead" she whimpered. He picked her up by her scruff, which was very comforting for such a young pup and carried her back to the biggest den she'd ever seen. There was lots of other friendly wolves, who licked her clean, gave her a rabbit carcass all to herself and cuddled up with her so she did not feel so alone.
The forest guardians became Foxgloves new family, with their love and care she recovered her strength and grew into beautiful fox wolf. She stayed with the forest guardians and became a midwolf, taking great care of the pregnant wolves and foraging for the nicest materials to make luxurious nests for those about to give birth. She very much enjoyed looking after newborn puppies and watching them grow into fine young wolves, she dreamed of having pups of her own one day.