Oriole, despite his well-known honey-tongued reputation, is quite well respected among the brutes of Hematite Pride. One might even say that he's popular, especially with women. It's what earned him his position as the pack stud. Despite having many other impressive feats, he doesn't really care that most of his packmates only recognize him for that.
In fact, he practically thrives off of their attention. He's quite self-centered, yes, but that's what makes him perfect to work for Oleander. His self-obsession pushes him to work hard to please. Maybe it's silly, but that doesn't matter to him.
Llais, his partner in crime if you will, is his fellow scout. They pretty much grew up together and thrive off each other's presence. Tight-lipped haste is exactly what Oleander needs, and they have provided it since they were children. They deliver secrets like bees with pollen.
Oriole isn't here just for his skill and charm though. He himself is his own person. When he isn't busy with the piles of work the Alpha dumps on him he can be found playing matchmaker with the hunters and the pups. It often works out, but this isn't surprising knowing his cunning and witty decorum.
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