ID #4639809
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.

Currents | |
Age | 4 years 8½ months (Adult) |
Sex | Male |
Energy |
Mood |
Hunger |
HP |
Personality | Fair |
Breeding Information | |
Age in Rollovers | 113 |
Pups Bred | 0 pups bred |
Last Bred | Never |
Fertility | N/A |
Heat Cycle | N/A |
Items Applied | None! |
Pair Bond |
Looks | |
Base | Amber (1.91%) |
Base Genetics | Warm Dark I |
Eyes | Gray |
Skin | Oxblood |
Nose | Blue |
Claws | Brown |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Sentinel |
Slot 1 | White Predator (76% : T1) |
Slot 2 | Black Spectacles (41% : T1) |
Slot 3 | None |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | None |
Slot 6 | Black Agouti (46% : T0) |
Slot 7 | Black Limbs (52% : T1) |
Slot 8 | Gray Undersides (52% : T0) |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
Adopted a new puppy from the enclave for 14 SC.
2022-05-23 06:17:25
Traveling wolf searching for his lost master.
-Don't change his name, you can put a nickname if you like in the foot note.
-Only keep for 3 rollovers no more.
-Return to NazgulWitchKing at age 1
-If on the verge of death pm me instantly.
-Do not breed sell chase none of that, send him back to original owner if you can't get anyone to take him.
Of course add lore, and decor he is out to enjoy the world and search for his master, so he will encounter many people on his way. He is a desert southern boy if you want to add anything to make him look more like one and an unaveragly large pup.
ID: #57697
Decor added: Red Oak Branch
Age when entered pack: 3 months
Lore: A young herbalist, Nurungji, patched up the wounds the pup made during his travels. "Why'd you become a herbalist?" Machia asked, tilting his head. Nurungji huffed and smiled, "Injuries are beautiful, you can recover from them but they also tell a story, they teach you things" Nurungji gave the pup a pat on the head, "You're making progress, you will soon see." Machia had kept those words in his mind and left the pack to continue his journey.
Decor added: N/A
Age when entered pack: 4 1/2 months
Lore: Queen Leslie comes across Machia in the woods during her exploring. She tells the young pup that it is ok to be himself. Leslie tells him, "Some say I'm too sensitive but the truth is I just feel everything too much. Every word, Every action, and Every energy goes straight to my HEART. It is ok to be sensitive my pup... being sensitive is not a burden or something to be ashamed of." Machia looks at her and says, "Thanks I will remember your words." and he left to move on.
ID: #42617
Decor added: Cliff Swallowtail
Age when entered pack: 5 1/2 months
Lore: While Markiir was playing with Bear they noticed a pup watching from afar, Markiir decided to go introduce himself and asks if the strange pup was lost. Machia explains that he's just a traveler and plans to be in the pack for no more that three days. Markiir, Machia and Bear then start to play and roughhouse while still being careful with Machia as he is much younger than them. On Machia's final day here Ajax tells Machia "Please careful when walking around because you could very easily stumble into the wrong paws, you're a wonderful kid I just want you to stay safe." Machia Doesn't know how to respond so he just smiles and turns find his next pack.
Machia spat after leaving the other packs. "They don't realize how old I am." He spoke to himself. He wandered down paths and cliffs for months to no avail. "Master...I will find you." Settling down on a thicket of grass he dozed off, falling into a dream.
It was the ruins of the old caverns he followed his master in. Looking around the cavern hoping his master would show up Machia started to notice the darkness growing. Then it started chasing him, he sprinted away in a panic until-
His gaze turned to the darkness. Out stepped his master, a grin on his face as always. He gasped and leaped into the shadows, as his master turned and starred walking away. "I will find you!" Then the scene changed pitch black emptiness swallowed Machia. Floating in the void Machia looked all over, seeing only the black pit around him.
Waking up violently he leaped to his paws. Standing in front of him was none other than All For One. His leader. His Master. The one who saved him from the hunters. Bowing deeply, he spoke."Master...I hope my absense has not put a setback in your plan." All For One stroked his head, and motioned for him to rise. "Although it was a minor setback, we managed." He Laughed straightening into a grin. "We missed you Machia. Tomura is going to need someone to watch over him once I am gone." Machia stopped his pace. "Gone? Your Immortal-" He paused. "I know. I have some...buisness to attend to. He won't stop hunting me you know that." Machia growled.
"I won't let them just take you-"
"Machia. It will be done."
ID: #62549
Decor added: Left ear scar
Age when entered: 10 months
Lore: Due to his recent circumstances, Machia's mind felt flooded. His stomach growled, I'm strong enough to hunt on my own, I know I am. The wolf couldn't think clearly, only allowing his body to wander. Before he realized, Machia found himself in unfamiliar territory. A horrid aroma inhabited his snout as he pushed forward. He guessed it could only be food, perhaps there were some scraps leftover?
Paws echoed though out the wasteland, inching closer. Machia turned to greet the sound, unafraid of its cause. There, locked eyes with an apathetic expression. Unknown to Machia, the pack was deceased. The 'rotting food' was pure wolf-cadaver. Those before Machia had fallen to the omnipotent king. In the bitter end, only two remained. All who strayed the mysterious ones path were doomed to wither-
Before the young wolf could even flinch, a rushing figure jumped on him. The creatures pelt reeked of corpse, could he be sure it was even another wolf? Bits of unfamiliar matter fell from the opposing beast, falling onto him. Feeling ill, he managed to shake the creature off. A ragged, filthy, growling wolf stared back. Looking closer, he could tell his fur was not normally black. He had been so soiled by dirt even his natural color was unrecognizable.. that is, without already mentioning the crimson seeping from his fur.
This wouldn't be his end.. Machia wouldn't allow such a monster to take his life. He didn't have much time. his eyes darted frantically, searching for a plan. He saw it.. a lake! An alligators nest in a nearby pound! The last thing a mother would want is a savage near its young. He bolted toward it, filled with valor. He heard the sound growling run after him, Machia taunted, "retched devil, you will pay for your sins! Sulk when you know not the taste of my blood!"
Provoked, the monster lunged towards him; his final blunder. Machia bumped the demons side, leading him to land on the alligators nest. The water moved around the wolf, revealing a huge alligator. Machia turned away, not bating an eye as whimpers and howls pleaded behind him. He walked on, finally arriving home. He reeked of blood and dead wolf, having been pounced by the filthy animal. He headed toward the nearest water source, thinking to himself, "Hopefully All for One won't be upset..
Username & ID: NazgulWitchKing 61352
Incoming Date: June 18th 2022
Incoming Stats: 276
Décor Added:
Lore: Jade walked along a old winding path throught the snowy desolate mountains. Something had been tracking her through the forest ever sense she stepped foot into it. Suddenly out of nowhere a large orange blur streaked out and smacked Jades tail with its bear like paw. She had anticipated the attack and had moved apperently not fast enough as a large claw tore through her tail. The other paw came down on her and almost crushed the life out of her.
"What the heck?- Darn child..." It spoke. Releasing the presure she crawled out from under the paw.
"You could have killed me! I am a simple traveler, I can't believe you attacked a lady-" She fussed bristling her fur.
"Quiet." He motioned swiftly and kicked her. He kicked me?!?! What the- Then she saw why as she slid under the large root of the tree. A cougar leaped out of the bushs and landed with a hiss on the big wolf. "You have my prey! Where is it? Wolves are mine if they arn't from your pack, you know that Machia!" She was furious and slapped the orange wolf on the face. He recoiled and howled in pain before biting her jaw. She leaped off and ran away cursing. "No one calls me Machia except Master, you hear?!?" He yelled at her.
After a moment of writhing his head around she crawled out and inched over. "Are you alright?" He sighed and turned his head twords her. "We all have scars kid, you get used to it after a while." She almost gasped at the horred scratch on his snout. Traveling back with him silently she started asking questions. "Where are we going? Did you know I am a traveling wolf? You really just saved me why?" He snapped at her.
"Alright, alright, We are going to the pack of Silence, yes I knew you were a traveler at first sent you smell like a mingled heap of wolves. I saved you because I felt like it. But don't get the notion I'm some hero or stuff." She shook her head. "More like an anti-hero."
He nodded." Somethin' like that." After spending a couple days in the Pack of Silence Jade learned to respect Machia, the wolf she had met day one and grew very fond of. The day she had to leave she was saddened at the thought of leaving. Machia lifted his paw and smacked her over. "Hey! Why did you do that?"
He looked her directly in the eyes. "Don't lose sight of your goal just because you start to like somethin' else. Keep them both in your heart kid. Thats why I saved you, because you moved out of my first attack. You got guts, so get out there and show em what you got!" He pushed her forwards and kept pushing until she started running. With that closing she gathered her thoughts and ran with glee to another pack, and another adventure.
"Prioritys Machia." He turned after Jade was out of sight and nodded respectfully at All For One. Tomura spat his tongue out at Machia from behind the Leader and Machia snorted. "Quiet the predeceser you have chosen master." He laughed at Tomuras horrofied exsperesion and walked away.
2022-05-23 06:17:25
Traveling wolf searching for his lost master.
-Don't change his name, you can put a nickname if you like in the foot note.
-Only keep for 3 rollovers no more.
-Return to NazgulWitchKing at age 1
-If on the verge of death pm me instantly.
-Do not breed sell chase none of that, send him back to original owner if you can't get anyone to take him.
Of course add lore, and decor he is out to enjoy the world and search for his master, so he will encounter many people on his way. He is a desert southern boy if you want to add anything to make him look more like one and an unaveragly large pup.
ID: #57697
Decor added: Red Oak Branch
Age when entered pack: 3 months
Lore: A young herbalist, Nurungji, patched up the wounds the pup made during his travels. "Why'd you become a herbalist?" Machia asked, tilting his head. Nurungji huffed and smiled, "Injuries are beautiful, you can recover from them but they also tell a story, they teach you things" Nurungji gave the pup a pat on the head, "You're making progress, you will soon see." Machia had kept those words in his mind and left the pack to continue his journey.
Decor added: N/A
Age when entered pack: 4 1/2 months
Lore: Queen Leslie comes across Machia in the woods during her exploring. She tells the young pup that it is ok to be himself. Leslie tells him, "Some say I'm too sensitive but the truth is I just feel everything too much. Every word, Every action, and Every energy goes straight to my HEART. It is ok to be sensitive my pup... being sensitive is not a burden or something to be ashamed of." Machia looks at her and says, "Thanks I will remember your words." and he left to move on.
ID: #42617
Decor added: Cliff Swallowtail
Age when entered pack: 5 1/2 months
Lore: While Markiir was playing with Bear they noticed a pup watching from afar, Markiir decided to go introduce himself and asks if the strange pup was lost. Machia explains that he's just a traveler and plans to be in the pack for no more that three days. Markiir, Machia and Bear then start to play and roughhouse while still being careful with Machia as he is much younger than them. On Machia's final day here Ajax tells Machia "Please careful when walking around because you could very easily stumble into the wrong paws, you're a wonderful kid I just want you to stay safe." Machia Doesn't know how to respond so he just smiles and turns find his next pack.
Machia spat after leaving the other packs. "They don't realize how old I am." He spoke to himself. He wandered down paths and cliffs for months to no avail. "Master...I will find you." Settling down on a thicket of grass he dozed off, falling into a dream.
It was the ruins of the old caverns he followed his master in. Looking around the cavern hoping his master would show up Machia started to notice the darkness growing. Then it started chasing him, he sprinted away in a panic until-
His gaze turned to the darkness. Out stepped his master, a grin on his face as always. He gasped and leaped into the shadows, as his master turned and starred walking away. "I will find you!" Then the scene changed pitch black emptiness swallowed Machia. Floating in the void Machia looked all over, seeing only the black pit around him.
Waking up violently he leaped to his paws. Standing in front of him was none other than All For One. His leader. His Master. The one who saved him from the hunters. Bowing deeply, he spoke."Master...I hope my absense has not put a setback in your plan." All For One stroked his head, and motioned for him to rise. "Although it was a minor setback, we managed." He Laughed straightening into a grin. "We missed you Machia. Tomura is going to need someone to watch over him once I am gone." Machia stopped his pace. "Gone? Your Immortal-" He paused. "I know. I have some...buisness to attend to. He won't stop hunting me you know that." Machia growled.
"I won't let them just take you-"
"Machia. It will be done."
ID: #62549
Decor added: Left ear scar
Age when entered: 10 months
Lore: Due to his recent circumstances, Machia's mind felt flooded. His stomach growled, I'm strong enough to hunt on my own, I know I am. The wolf couldn't think clearly, only allowing his body to wander. Before he realized, Machia found himself in unfamiliar territory. A horrid aroma inhabited his snout as he pushed forward. He guessed it could only be food, perhaps there were some scraps leftover?
Paws echoed though out the wasteland, inching closer. Machia turned to greet the sound, unafraid of its cause. There, locked eyes with an apathetic expression. Unknown to Machia, the pack was deceased. The 'rotting food' was pure wolf-cadaver. Those before Machia had fallen to the omnipotent king. In the bitter end, only two remained. All who strayed the mysterious ones path were doomed to wither-
"This shall not differ."
Before the young wolf could even flinch, a rushing figure jumped on him. The creatures pelt reeked of corpse, could he be sure it was even another wolf? Bits of unfamiliar matter fell from the opposing beast, falling onto him. Feeling ill, he managed to shake the creature off. A ragged, filthy, growling wolf stared back. Looking closer, he could tell his fur was not normally black. He had been so soiled by dirt even his natural color was unrecognizable.. that is, without already mentioning the crimson seeping from his fur.
This wouldn't be his end.. Machia wouldn't allow such a monster to take his life. He didn't have much time. his eyes darted frantically, searching for a plan. He saw it.. a lake! An alligators nest in a nearby pound! The last thing a mother would want is a savage near its young. He bolted toward it, filled with valor. He heard the sound growling run after him, Machia taunted, "retched devil, you will pay for your sins! Sulk when you know not the taste of my blood!"
Provoked, the monster lunged towards him; his final blunder. Machia bumped the demons side, leading him to land on the alligators nest. The water moved around the wolf, revealing a huge alligator. Machia turned away, not bating an eye as whimpers and howls pleaded behind him. He walked on, finally arriving home. He reeked of blood and dead wolf, having been pounced by the filthy animal. He headed toward the nearest water source, thinking to himself, "Hopefully All for One won't be upset..
Username & ID: NazgulWitchKing 61352
Incoming Date: June 18th 2022
Incoming Stats: 276
Décor Added:
Lore: Jade walked along a old winding path throught the snowy desolate mountains. Something had been tracking her through the forest ever sense she stepped foot into it. Suddenly out of nowhere a large orange blur streaked out and smacked Jades tail with its bear like paw. She had anticipated the attack and had moved apperently not fast enough as a large claw tore through her tail. The other paw came down on her and almost crushed the life out of her.
"What the heck?- Darn child..." It spoke. Releasing the presure she crawled out from under the paw.
"You could have killed me! I am a simple traveler, I can't believe you attacked a lady-" She fussed bristling her fur.
"Quiet." He motioned swiftly and kicked her. He kicked me?!?! What the- Then she saw why as she slid under the large root of the tree. A cougar leaped out of the bushs and landed with a hiss on the big wolf. "You have my prey! Where is it? Wolves are mine if they arn't from your pack, you know that Machia!" She was furious and slapped the orange wolf on the face. He recoiled and howled in pain before biting her jaw. She leaped off and ran away cursing. "No one calls me Machia except Master, you hear?!?" He yelled at her.
After a moment of writhing his head around she crawled out and inched over. "Are you alright?" He sighed and turned his head twords her. "We all have scars kid, you get used to it after a while." She almost gasped at the horred scratch on his snout. Traveling back with him silently she started asking questions. "Where are we going? Did you know I am a traveling wolf? You really just saved me why?" He snapped at her.
"Alright, alright, We are going to the pack of Silence, yes I knew you were a traveler at first sent you smell like a mingled heap of wolves. I saved you because I felt like it. But don't get the notion I'm some hero or stuff." She shook her head. "More like an anti-hero."
He nodded." Somethin' like that." After spending a couple days in the Pack of Silence Jade learned to respect Machia, the wolf she had met day one and grew very fond of. The day she had to leave she was saddened at the thought of leaving. Machia lifted his paw and smacked her over. "Hey! Why did you do that?"
He looked her directly in the eyes. "Don't lose sight of your goal just because you start to like somethin' else. Keep them both in your heart kid. Thats why I saved you, because you moved out of my first attack. You got guts, so get out there and show em what you got!" He pushed her forwards and kept pushing until she started running. With that closing she gathered her thoughts and ran with glee to another pack, and another adventure.
"Prioritys Machia." He turned after Jade was out of sight and nodded respectfully at All For One. Tomura spat his tongue out at Machia from behind the Leader and Machia snorted. "Quiet the predeceser you have chosen master." He laughed at Tomuras horrofied exsperesion and walked away.
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
46 | 47 | 55 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
63 | 58 | 269 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Decorations and Background |
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 0 |
Total Number of Hunts | 74 |
Successful Hunts | 46 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 0 |
In current pack for 22 rollovers
Wolf created on 2022-05-13 12:19:57