Sharabi Shadestone
โช๏ธ [ Chaser for the Wuka'i Kek ] โช๏ธ
โช๏ธ [ Compulsive Liar, Mischievous, Insecure, Easily Bored ] โช๏ธ
โข Parents: Alpha Dahuma & Shaswa
โข Maternal Siblings in Pack: ---
โข Pups in Pack: None
โข Best Friends: Senko, Mut-Kaw, Lada
Spring Y1, Age 0: Born into the Blackmoon Pack to Alpha Dahuma and Shaswa.
Summer Y1, Age 0: Pack moved to the mountains. Sharabi enjoyed her new environment.
Autumn Y1, Age 0: Grew into adolescence. Became friends with Senko because Senko's father Kuwiga was encouraging Senko to make friends.
Winter Y1, Age 0: Decided to become a Hunter when she grows up.
Spring Y2, Age 0-1: Grew into an adult. Due to pressure from her mother, she became an apprentice Seeker instead of a Hunter. Ended the season at level 6.
Summer Y2, Age 1: Contracted influenza while scouting. Healed by Ashawgi. Ended the season at level 9.
Autumn Y2, Age 1: Finished her term as a Seeker. Became a Chaser for the Wuka'i Kek hunting party. Became friends with Iqwi after they hung out together for a few days while Iqwi was getting to know the pack. Ended the season at level 10.
Winter Y2, Age 1: Friendship with Iqwi ended because Iqwi was tired of Sharabi's low self-esteem. Joined the Wuka'i Kek hunting party as a Chaser. Became friends with Mut-Kaw after Alpha Dahuma encouraged the two to get to know each other. Ended the season at level 11.
Spring Y3, Age 1-2: Became friends with Lada. Friendship with Senko ended because she was frustrated by Sharabi's lying. She wasn't too upset -- she & Senko had been growing apart anyway. Ended the season at level 11.
Summer Y3, Age 2: Was badly wounded while hunting. Healed by Ashawgi. Ended the season at level 11.
Autumn Y3, Age 2: ---