ID #4741088
This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused.
This wolf is a traveling wolf! She is currently in her home pack.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
This wolf is a traveling wolf! She is currently in her home pack.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.

Currents | |
Age | 5 years 3 months (Adult) |
Sex | Female |
Energy |
Mood |
Hunger |
HP |
Personality | Reliable |
Breeding Information | |
Age in Rollovers | 126 |
Pups Bred | 2 pups bred |
Last Bred | 2023-09-16 14:31:08 |
Fertility | Average |
Heat Cycle | Heat in 8 rollovers |
Items Applied | None! |
Pair Bond |
Looks | |
Base | Honeydew (0.81%) |
Base Genetics | Cool Light I |
Eyes | Blue |
Skin | Dark |
Nose | Lusxnei |
Claws | Black |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | View Report |
Variant | Default |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | None |
Slot 3 | White Bottoms (23% : T0) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | None |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | Black Cross (23% : T1) |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
~Dewdrop's Traveling Log~
Please return him once he has turned 2 years 5 months old! This is for lore purposes so that he can recount his stories to the pups and other wolves of the pack!
Dewdrop was born to the first leader of Snow Peaked Pack, Jackson, and a pupsitter called Freida. He is the oldest of his litter of three, his two sisters being Soot and Static. He is friendly, curious, restless and is open-minded. He can be stubborn when it comes to something he strongly believes in, however.
He's always had wanderlust, wanting to explore every corner and crevice of the nursery as a pup, and then of the territory as he grew older. When he was an adolescent he enjoyed fabricating stories to tell to his sisters to amuse them, and while they enjoyed his stories they never really seemed to get as excited as he did at the thought of traveling to far away lands. Lands with other packs and different cultures, exploring the different biomes and finding out what each of them had to offer, in their seemingly endless expanse.
General Rules:
Please don't keep him longer than 10 days
Don't change his physical appearance with applicators please
Feel free to add decor, but don't remove it
Don't change his background
Feel free to breed him if you'd like, just no permanent pairbonds
Please do add lore and info, I would also love to have him learn about other pack's way of life and talk to other wolves, but don't remove any lore please!
Pack Name: (Include link)
Date Arrived: MM/DD/YY
Date Departed: MM/DD/YY
Role Given (if any): (he a good boi who wants to pull his own weight, feel free to give him any role you'd like, of course permanent roles like lead excluded!)
Decor Changes:
Lore: (preferred if written in first person from the point of view of Dewdrop, but feel free to add it any way you like!)
Song: (best song that fits what his experience was like in the pack, I love hearing new music and thought it would be a fun thing to do :] )
Pack Name: SnowPeaked Pack
Date Arrived: (Home Pack)
Date Departed:
Role Given (if any): None
Decor Changes: None
Lore: Ok, so I'm finally out of my pack's territory! I sneaked out tonight while the rest of the wolves were sleeping. The next step in my plan is to look for a friendly pack to stay with and learn about them. Jackson is going to be so surprised when I show back up with stories to tell to the pups, especially Rat. I feel bad for the little guy, not only did his mom stick him with a terrible name, he's probably going to be ushered into the pupsitter role when he grows up. The "low class" role. Me and my three sisters where supposed to be hunters, but I just can't bear the thought of hunting till I die, and if I'm lucky maybe I'll find a nice she-wolf to be mates with before passing on. There's gotta be more to life than that, there just has to be. That's why I'm doing this, I'm going to prove the leader, my dad, wrong. There's so much more to this world than our pack in the mountains.
Song: How Far I'll Go - Rock Cover by NO RESOLVE
Pack Name:
Date Arrived: Sep/02/2023
Date Departed:Sep/11/2023
Role Given: Hunter, taught pup lessons too
Decor Changes: alpine forget me not, bundle o herbs, dandelion
song: Bjarkan by Wardruna
DAY 2: So, they gave me a role today. Hunter. At first i was honored, even though hunting isnt my favourite it is an important job! But then i found out i was in the beginner yearling party, and it made sense. Not only that, the death of the prey makes me sad. Our first was a grouse and it wasn't that bad but the next was a doe and she was really screaming. I get it we have to eat and the party is great i couldnt ask for sweeter girls to work with, they respect prey, but it is kinda sad. Hope there are other ways to help. I can't do it forever, at least it isnt pupsitting right?
DAY 3: More hunting today. We've had clean kills but i keep thinking of their faces. Maybe when i get older it wont matter. It didn't bother me as much back home. I wonder how rats doing?
DAY 4: Okay so i found out an interesting thing! We had a break from hunting (which i was happy about) and i hung out with the family of my hunting party, the Japan line, named after the dad. Hes the pack stud, and has SO many wives. I hunt with two of his daughters and just one of his wives, lady Vhagar Eris-Ulf, but i call her V. Its been crazy just watching how well they get on, interesting though. This place is like utopia sometimes. If i met that special somewolf, i wouldnt want anywolf else, even if it works for the Japans. Maybe its different when you are a stud? Until now i had only met his heir, Seasmoak the 'Adonis' pfft. He looked down his nose at me and called me "obscene green." I am not! Hes blue anyway, he can call it megalodon but hes blue. Bork bork i think i'm a shork! Gah why didnt i think of that before?! Im getting angry again. Better sign off and eat.
DAY 5: Another ceremony! The lead pup matriarch, Quinn, had an exquisite litter, strong, beautiful pups, and they called a celebration. Before it started we were actually sent to catch fish for it. I felt better hunting fish, and had a great time just swimming and talking with lady V. You know when you meet somewolf and you know you would love somewolf like them, but who isnt them because they are your friend? Shes that wolf. She asked me where i was going after this. I said i didn't know. I am just taking this in for now. Anyway, Autumn was happy with the fish we got for the celebration. I saw the herbalist tonight, he is SO old. He has like, 3 teeth, but was play fighting with the pups, and using herbs to paint faces. He was really laughing. I cant decide if i want to be like that or not.
DAY 6: So they sent me out on a patrol with Seasmoak. We had a fight. It was the bork im a shork comment. We are both gonna scar. I was storming back to base when i passed the herbalist and it turned out to be a memorable visit. It went like this: he says "hold on boy where you goin' so fast" so i stopped and spoke. " Name's Atreyus" he said. He told me a bit about the herbs which was interesting but it was what he said about my travels.
" So your daddy don't want you to travel. 'Spose its understandable. He loves his boy and the gods know there danger out here. But its what makes ya. Never knew my daddy but my Momma came here from Missouri when we was pups. Im the last one of that litter but look round ye. We the biggest family in the pack; The Winters, and the strongest. Know how many wolves my momma knew in Missouri? Two. Cause the cats and bears. So you see boy? You tell that to your daddy. Tell him you are finding your perfect place, makin a name for you and him. Had Momma not left Missouri nowolf woulda heard word one about her and she'da had no big family, neither"
It made sense. After that he taught me about herbs and gave me some edible mushrooms. I think i want to be a herbalist.
DAY 7: I ate the mushrooms Atreyus gave me and they were NOT ordinary. Everything looked weird. When i asked him he laughed and said it was a perk of the job. What?
DAY 8: I am so glad that i spent time with Atreyus, he died today. Just back from the funeral. He definitely made an impression on me. I better head out again soon. Guess its time to say my goodbyes! I think herbalism suits me but for now, its adventure time!
Pack Name: Faldraan
Date Arrived: 9/11/23
Date Departed: 9/16/23
Role Given (if any): none
Decor Changes: added Tansy Crown
Lore: Wow! The days really flew by here. I wandered north and ran into a resident pack in the taiga. Their leader, Drevois, offered to let me stay in their territory. I offered to take a role while I was there, but Drevois said it wasn't necessary. One of the hunters, Whillar, offered to show me around instead, and we hit it off. I spent the whole time romping through the forest with her and a few of her packmates.
Song: Walkin' On The Sun by Smash Mouth
~Diary of Dewdrop~
~This is just more of a lengthy lore "prologue" for myself, but feel free to read!~
March 5th, 2023
I can't believe carving into a piece of wood with my nails actually works to write things!
Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to be turning into an adult! It's a custom in my pack to allow new first-year-olds to stay in the nursery for one last day, to allow them to say goodbye to their puppyhood friends and enjoy the comforts the nursery has to offer.
I guess I should give some backstory on myself, though. I'm Dewdrop, I have two sisters, Soot and Static. My mom is Frieda, a wolf our leader hired to be a pupsitter when the pack was overrun with puppies and had Wayward as it's only pupsitter. Eventually my mom and the leader fell in love, and--well--here I am, I guess. Yeah, my dad, Jackson, is the leader of my pack, though being his son doesn't mean much these days...
My sisters are really excited to grow up and start continue their training so that they can be put on the waiting list to enter a hunting party called the Red Storm Hunting School. It's a hunting party that was made by Snowstorm and Red Lapiz as a way to train inexperienced wolves to prepare them for actual hunting groups, since no party wants an wolf with no skills. It just sounds so tedious, though. Hunting every day, until a hunting party decides you're finally good enough to join them and continue hunting for the rest of your life as the pack drags you into the dirt? I already asked Snowstorm (he's the main leader of the beginner friendly training party, by the way) if there were any open parties that me and my sisters could fit in to, and he said "no, unfortunately." Great. We're gonna be in the Red Storm Party for a while...

Today something happened! While enjoying the last day I had in the Nursery, Rat came came up to me and tried to steal the piece of prey I'd drug out of the hoard to eat. I caught him, but not before he ran away with one of the legs from my hare. I'm not looking forward to having to share the main den with him.
And while annoyed as I was watching him run away with that fluffy hare leg, it got me thinking. When I was little I was a mischievous pup too, constantly trying to escape the nursery to see what was outside in the mountain's woods, and one time I had found the remains of a rabbit. Wayward was my pupsitter during that time, and one day after dragging me back to the den he told me about the times when he was younger and how he frustrated his pupsitter by constantly trying to explore and getting into trouble. He told me to never lose that spark, but for safety's sake to please come back into the nursery. I'd forgotten about that memory for a while, but I just now remembered it again with Rat stealing my food.
I got an idea, and went to ask Jackson about it. I wanted to go and see other packs, see what else was beyond the mountains I'd gotten so used to seeing. There are so many other packs in this world, surely there's gotta be some that I could visit?
Update: Jackson flat out rejected my idea. He said it "was too dangerous" and "and the risks outweighed the benefits." He said that when I was really little the pack once had taken in a wolf that had been traveling, but it had ended poorly, and he didn't want to step back into that.
Well, Jackson might be able to tell me what to do, but he can't actually make me do it. Tonight. Tonight whether he likes it or not I'm going out to see the world, and not him nor anything other pack member can stop me. I'll be quiet, I'll be sneaky, like little Rat that stole my hare leg.
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
69 | 54 | 57 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
57 | 62 | 299 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Decorations and Background |

4 uses left
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 0 |
Total Number of Hunts | 35 |
Successful Hunts | 27 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 2 |
Pupsitting Information | |
Pupsitting Proficiency |
Total Protection | 100% |
In current pack for 72 rollovers
Wolf created on 2022-05-30 04:57:57