During the lesson: Ask learned that specific plant parts do different things, and how only taking certain bits that the pack needs for remedies won't damage the entire plant. This will conserve resources and allow the plant to be used in the future. (6/8/22) Pete sat calmly as she supervised Ask's first attempts to chase a lizard. He did his best, but the urge to play was stronger than anything and he showed promise but still had room to improve. (6/10/2022) During the lesson: Every time Ask found the toy, he was allowed to play with it for a bit. Solanna is sure that rewarding his technique will be beneficial for his growth. (6/11/22) During the lesson: Anduin stuffed herbs into his mouth and chewed them into a paste. He spat the wad into a paw and dabbed it onto a leaf, showing Ask the proper technique. (6/12/22) During the lesson: Ask practiced his voice in a remote spot, a bit ashamed to howl in front of other pups and adults. He didn't feel ready yet. (6/13/22)
Primary Role: Herbalist
Secondary Role: Hunter | Stalker | Group 2: Autumn Wreath
> Pair off with the Healer's Daughter
> Older Brother Dustin ran off with the eldest Healer's Daughter, Narcissa, that was his intended which now falls on the shoulders of her youngest sister, Clara