NOTABLE OFFSPRING: 7x Lily; 1x Grulla; 2x Pearl; 1x Teardrop; 3x Badger; 1x Hornfels
Your chosen wolf blinks in confusion as something chilling happens to its eyes. (Selenelion Eyes applied 6/11/22)
Your chosen wolf admires their fresh, new skin! (Pink Skin applied 6/11/22)
Your chosen wolf admires their fresh, new snoot! (Pink Nose applied 6/11/22)
You have used up the RMA - check out the results! Cream Butcher was applied in slot 1! (Random Marking Applicator applied 6/11/22)
Stud ad:
🌸Say hello to Lirio! ~ Gorgeous NBW Stud ~ LILY (TIII) ~ 10M ~ Selenelion Eyes ~ 300

OR 1

! ~ 🌸