Frostflake's child. Owltalon's grandchild. Pebblenose's siblings include Heavyclaw (littermate), Darkripple (younger), Stoneshine (younger), and Shadowstream (younger). Pebblenose has--as her name would suggest--an incredible nose which lends to her being an incredible tracker. Unfortunately, after the tracking, Pebblenose rarely helps out with hunting and would much rather lounge after she's done her part. Pebblenose's laziness tends to follow her back home to the pack's dens as well, but she still happy to help out in some ways... just not in others.
"Pebblenose tells you to go to their favourite spot as there is something prepared for you. When you ask why they didn't bring it here, Pebblenose shrugs, answering that it was too much work."