There is a little custom in the pack - on a day a wolf turns one year old, they are brought to the Lead Wolf and get assigned their first task - an official recognicion of sorts, even if a youngling and an Alpha are already aquainted.
Originally, though, it had been a true acknowlegment. Yrsa, the namesack of the pack, considered adult wolves to be members of the pack, but never pups. Sometimes younglings on the verge of adulthood got chased for a slightest misstep.
That's why Sinéad felt truly special standing in front of Yrsa. The young wolf only saw the leader from far away, and now Sinéad was stunned by her Alpha'a beauty and power. White stare was so overwhelming the the youngling tilted her nose to the ground.
Sinéad tried to remember what her pupsitter had said the day before. New members usually did not get assigned difficult tasks. Sinéad was determined to prove herself, even though the pupsitter's words brought her some traitorous comfort.
- Your caretaker says you are strong.