Birth Stats 247
LVL 5 Stats 280l
Lead Hunter
Son of Darrow & Blue-Sight
When Black-throat was birth the pack had undergone a purge of disloyal wolves within the pack attempting to overthrow the Alpha, his father. These wolves were so sure of their victory they began killing off any newborns many of them were Black-throat's littermates. Without the strength of his father holding them off best he could until the scouts and his mother returned, by then he was the sole survivor.
Black-throat wasn't special in any measurable skill, he made up for that with persistence which aided him to survive.
His father has smiled fondly boosting his confidence with the Idea of being lead hunter, so Black-throat dedicates his waking moments honing his skills until that day comes.
Black-Throat had grown into a fine male, the countless training with his father had paid off and he began to loose his solid color and took upon his fathers markings as he grew. Now a yearling Black-Throat lead the new pack members conditioning them to be assets to the pack.
Darrow brimming with Pride watching his son flourish as a hunter, Black-Throat constantly wanting to be better, faster & stronger Darrow decided the best way for him to hone his skills would be to make him a scout. Very few have managed handle the life of a scout, which made Black-Throat all the more excited.