Starting Stats: 447; After Training: 520
5 - 556;10 - 695;15 - ;20 -
Level strength; replace
秀樹 (Hideki) as Finisher
7th baby of
Our Beloved Monday Jr.
Quotes During Training:
During the lesson: Leonidas taught Nutter Butter an important lesson about effective running techniques. He was surprised how the depth of breath or change of pace can influence the results.
During the lesson: Nutter Butter waited for the birds for so long that he fell asleep. Leonidas chastised him, and told him that he needed to be more patient next time.
During the lesson: Nutter Butter tried using his tongue to recognize the herb by taste, but Éclair rushed to lecture the class about toxic plants. Better safe than sorry!
During the lesson: Nutter Butter attempted to stalk Speckles but got caught every time. Is Speckles a superwolf or what?
During the lesson: Speckles laid out different herbs for Nutter Butter to smell with his eyes closed, huffing at him when he attempted to peek. Your nose is your strongest sense when it comes to identifying herbs!