Everything about this needs to be updated GO READ SOMEONE ELSE LOL

This is the family sigil of the Trials and the Atearas. This sigil marks each member, combining two families as one.

• Apart of the immortal family, the originals
• Age Appearance: 20's
• Heights:
~ Human/Fae/Demon: 6'6
~ Wolf: 9 ft
~ Wolgan: 25-30 ft
• Forms: Wolf, shadows, human, fae, demon, Wolgan lupus draconis (dragon wolf )
• Powers:
~ Control minds to a point
~ Get inside minds to find memories, secrets, fears etc.
~ Can cause hallucinations that are extremely real seeming
~ Can manipulate shadows
~ Can talk inside minds of others as if they are bonded to him, but arent.
~ Can cause diseases or terminal illness like stage 4 cancer in a matter of seconds.
~ Has the ability to heal any illnesses or diseases, but normally doesn't anyways
~ Can give or take away the gift of sight
~ Can shapeshifts between his forms in seconds through shadow work, effortlessly. He can merge these forms to be horrifyingly one. You may blink and he may be one or another form after another. This allows him to get lost quickly from enemies.
~ Can form physical objects through his shadows; usually weapons but he has the capability to do all kinds of items.
~ Telekinesis. He can stand completely still, hands in pockets while he shoves a sword through you.
• Darcadius' worst fear: His half brother, Rhyden.
• Son of Merikh and Letivicus
• Brother to Eclipse and half to Rhyden
• Mate to Evermore
• Father to Rhys Ateara
• Uncle to Acanlyte
• Father to Little Paw

Darcadius is dark hearted by nature. From being an immortal original, he has chosen the dark path throughout his entire life. He hardly chooses love or warmth. To those he does show it to, like his sister or mate, it's still very rare and inconsistent.
He aims to rid the earth of anything that dares threaten his existence, including witches who he hates the most as they have attempted to bind him more than once. He has killed hundreds of thousands of them and more.
His greatest enemies have been the Trials family. The witch Miranda had once binded Darcadius to the land for 50 years, thinking he could not be set free from her magic. But with Darcadius were loyal minions who tried for those 50 years to find a spell to release him. No spell could be found, but they found that if the witch who cast the spell died, he would be set free.
Darcadius had Miranda and Charlie trapped inside their house and had it set ablaze by his minions. He felt his chains on him break slowly as Miranda was fading. Before she died, he was able to whisper inside of her mind that the Trials line would be ended by his hand for the things she had done. He would let them fall in love, build a family, create a life for themselves.. before ripping everything they love apart right before their eyes.
After her death, he was free and his planning would begin. The Trials and anyone associated to them would be nothing but memories soon enough.

Killed from this so far:
• Charlie Trials, father to the Trials siblings.
• Elijah Black, "uncle" to the Trials siblings.
Ailments Caused:
Caused an Embry illness before taking Blaire Embry's sight