When I was born, I was also born alongside my brother, Stoneclaw, and we were the first pups to ever be born in this pack..
My name is Russetwing, and I am one of the first members to be in the pack. My dream was always to be a chaser, I loved the feel of the wind in my fur. After I became a warrior for the pack, I wasn't put in the first hunting party yet. When my father felt I was ready to take on the role, he replaced Dustlegs with me so she could become a mentor. (Date unknown)
There is no easy way to say this but ever since I was a pup I admired Darkstep for his strength. I oftentimes looked up to him because of it. I never understood what I felt but I had to push it away because I needed to focus on my training. Once I was finally made a warrior, I finally began talking to Darkstep, I felt a sudden intense feeling of sadness when I realized how old he is. It overwhelmed me so much I fell onto the ground and he looked at me with concern... Was that a spark of love I saw in his eyes? After I was finally put in the patrol, me and him talked much more often. (Date unknown)
I asked him if he would be my mate and he accepted! And although it was fast, me and him are now expecting pups! I didn't know how much longer he would live for so I wanted to have pups as soon as possible. 9/11/2022
Oh Darkstep... He is on his final days. I'll miss him so much...

Darkstep, my mate, passed away today... I already miss him so much... 2/21/2023
Claykit looks so much like his father... I miss him badly... The entire pack misses him too. He was a well respected warrior... I refuse to let any harm come of our pups! 2/22/2023
Why does Rockfall get to live on and not Darkstep? This is unfair! Why do those who took in a mate die sooner than those who didn't?!? Dustlegs feels the same way I do, this is outrageous! 3/10/2023