This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 7 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Laid back twin that nobody acknowledges except her littermate
Gained 1x Scar: Hock [Right]
Oh no! Moose gained a small injury and suffered -3 HP
Finished a critter hunt in the Glacier! Your hunting party, 1. Bloodied Waters 🩸, returned from their hunt. Unfortunately a couple of members of your hunting party got into a disagreement, resulting in losing the scent of the prey.
Gained 1x Scar: Abdomen Moose gained an injury and suffered -1 HP, Jaybird gained an injury and suffered -2 HP
Your hunting party, 1. Bloodied Waters 🩸, returned from their hunt. Unfortunately a couple of members of your hunting party got into a disagreement, resulting in losing the scent of the prey.
Gained 1x Scar: Scratched Hind Leg [Right]
Oh no! Moose gained a small injury and suffered -5 HP
With all these scars, is Moose Bloodied Waters' omega or something??