09.27.20 - Joined the Portum Reach Pack (Luyene #3012)
Paloma's words aren't as pretty as her looks. She knows every swear and every insult. She was a lone wolf until she joined Inna's pack. Reluctantly, she allowed herself to give pack life a try and found herself to enjoy it quite a lot. While her lack of a filter can upset some wolves, she finds happiness that her hunting party doesn't quite mind but they in fact embrace it. Paloma isn't a fan of being around pups, as she finds it an inconvenience to have to censor herself.
She is quite good friends with her hunting party, consisting of Alpin, Antal, Sanem, and Zalika. She works quite seamlessly with them and enjoys being out in the territory with them.
11.4.20 - Paloma has departed from the Portum Reach Pack and has joined the Black Company due to the disbanding of her hunting party.
Paloma has reservations about her new “pack”, especially since she was asked to become a temporary pupsitter. She was never a top candidate for that role, which she despises, but due to the timing of her arrival and the pups born the same day, Paloma hesitantly accepts the temporary job. In the near future, however, she will be added to the main hunting party.
After a few weeks of watching countless squealing pups, Paloma finally joins the hunting team consisted of Caramel, Forsyth, Damian, and Aurelian. Since she is a proficient chaser, Paloma once again takes up that role.