Pairbond to
+1 wisdom, +1 speed, +2 agility
+3 strength, +2 agility, +1 wisdom
+4 agility, +2 smarts, +1 strength, +1 speed
+2 strength, +1 speed, +5 agility, +2 wisdom
+2 smarts, +4 speed, +2 strength, +2 wisdom, +2 agility
+3 strength, +6 speed, +3 agility, +2 smarts
+6 speed, +4 agility, +2 strength, +2 wisdom, +2 smarts
+8 speed, +5 agility, +1 smarts, +3 strength, +1 wisdom
+5 smarts, +2 wisdom, +3 strength, +6 speed, +4 agility
+3 strength, +8 agility, +5 speed, +3 smarts, +3 wisdom
+5 strength, +2 smarts, +6 agility, +9 speed, +2 wisdom
+10 agility, +9 speed, +3 strength, +2 smarts, +2 wisdom
+11 speed, +9 agility, +3 strength, +2 smarts, +3 wisdom
+11 speed, +10 agility, +3 strength, +3 smarts, +3 wisdom
Level 15 @ 3 years 0 months (Adult) on 10/25/2022 with 893 stats
+11 agility, +11 speed, +4 strength, +3 smarts, +3 wisdom