Even being a month olderandbeing adopted, Phoenix bonded very closly to another male pup, Stargaze. Stargaze and Phoenix were inseprable and always were together. Phoenix never judged Stargaze for being a runt and treated him the same as any other pups in the pack. As they grew and Phoenix started training for pack roles he never strayed to long from Stargaze's side and promised even if he left he would always protect him. Phoenix does love Stargaze more then brothers or friends and wants to ask Star (nickname) to be his mate in the future, he just hopes that he feels the same. Soon before bonding the 2 of them got extremly close to Aries and bnded just as much. the 3 way bonding would never be regonised so Star and Phoenix bonded with the promise of Aries being considered their third mate.
Recently after Phoenix and Stargaze were pair bonded Aries bought up the idea of adopting a pup from a local pack and he fell in love with the idea. All 3 love their little puppy and are so grateful to have her in their lives.