heerak (heer-uhk)
plague of locusts
imaginative: text
aloof: text
loyal: text
Hrylek: text
Sicarshan: text
When you see a gift placed in your favourite spot, you immediately know it's from Heerak. He knows you so well! This is a truly thoughtful gesture.
Toulou and Heerak come back matted and full of debris. They got into a fighting match, but it doesn't look like either was injured in the tussle.
finisher and Heerak took time to look for useful things to bring back to the pack.
Each time Heerak tells you about his day or describes anything that happened among pack members, you're amazed that he can turn even the blandest and most casual event into a breathtaking story.
chaser 1 and Heerak took time to look for useful things to bring back to the pack.
Rosehip and Heerak return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques.
Agoskt and Heerak return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques.