Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its
Powers: Can Walk Along Any Surface (no matter the angle or material)
Despite his power's obvious usefulness in scouting, he as no interest in that line of work. He prefers to lead his hunting party to gather food for the rest of the pack. At the moment, his party is only him and Mergafrost, but he will not take any other role despite Electraswarm's insistence that his skills would be better in scouting.
Moriahcast has a grumpy attitude generally and doesn't like to talk much. And most wolves in the pack see his attitude as not wanting to socialize, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Moriahcast craves hunting work to build lasting bonds with his party and the pack as a whole. It's hard for him to find wolves that appreciate his quiet company, but his spirits aren't dampened in finding a hunting party that understands him as he is.