Tumbleweed came to the Wisp Walkwers from the desert, running into them as she tried to run her way into the woods. In her fur was a collection of leaves, twigs, berries, and other various things caught in her desperate run. The clan was able to calm her, and bring her into the circle of Wisp Walkers, helping her declutter her fur and find her place. Even though she's adjusted, one thing hasn't changed: she still will run to the forest and back, for fun now, and she still get items stuck in her fur. Thus, they nicknamed her Tumbleweed.

The headcanon came from
Isrut #13318,

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Tumbleweed has scared many wolves more often than the others would like to admit, looking very similar to a badger. She's gotten her fair share of scratches, but she likes pranking the other wolves in her pack.

The headcanon came from
Ghost of the Brook #10341,

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Tumbleweed, being obnoxious, puts up with whiny pups by obnoxiously mocking them.

The headcanon came from