During the lesson: Ametrine felt that she was almost ready to try a real hunt and begged Sophonax to let her. She listened and explained that no matter how talented a pup may be, everyone had to train until they were old enough to move on.
During the lesson: Today, Sylvie convinced some ospreys to chase Ametrine out in the open plains. The real, physical threat of the talons really motivated little paws to do their best.
During the lesson: Shamrock explained the secrets of body language today. Ametrine became more aware of even tiny signs and gestures, which will help to build healthy relationships in the future.
Ametrine tells you to go to their favourite spot as there is something prepared for you. When you ask why they didn't bring it here, Ametrine shrugs, answering that it was too much work.
+1 to Relationship