This older wolf often appears nervous --- always shifting on her feet and glancing from side-to-side, in search of invisible foes.
Some wolves find her uneasy demeanor off-putting. Or worse -- contagious. But those who allow themselves to get close to Winterchill find her surprisingly warm.
When she is not out hunting or pupsitting, you will most often find her snuggled up beside her packmates, hoping to keep them comfortable in the cold winter months.
Alpha Veralidaine was a young leader, put into a position she was not quite ready for when the former alpha and her foster father Edmont passed to the Great Hunt. Her foster mother had returned in grief to her former pack, unable to cope with Edmont's loss and that left the new alpha female with a very fractured support system and no one to turn to in a parental sense. That was.. till one night she met a beautiful wolf named Winterchill that looked so much like her late foster sire that it brought a mournful howl to her throat. " What brings such a distinguished lady into our territory? Have you lost your pack?" Daine asked and the older female shook her head.
Before Daine could ponder on it further, her mate Quietfire appeared behind the other new wolf. " No my mate, I have brought her from another pack. You needed someone that could provide guidance and to turn to.. this is Winterchill and I have asked her to come to our pack. She has graciously accepted." Quietfire replied and nuzzled her mate before she walked past the pair.
" Well then Winterchill.. welcome to Mare Stellaris. I am glad to have you here."
And so with that, Winterchill became a part of the pack and the mother Veralidaine had been missing for so long.

( Additional lore added by Haurchy)

Original lore written by
PS: Feel free to add to or alter their backstory; as well as their name, gender, pack role, or anything else you want. As far as I'm concerned, they're all yours!
All I ask is that you
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