This pregnant wolf is not currently nested, and may risk losing puppies if she tries to give birth.
This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 2 rollovers! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
- Night should stay in one pack for up to 3 rollovers with the exception of pregnancy and nursing
- You can breed Night to anyone and keep all puppies
- You can put her as Pupsitter, Herbalist, Scout or Hunter
- Do not Pair Bond, Neglect, Chase, Kill or Retire
- You can add stories in bio, would love to read some :)
Night has seen 3 of her older friends leave the pack already, she wanted to join them on their adventures or go on her own! When she was 4½ months she saw an unknown wolf enter their camp with Zura, she was curious who it is. After learning it's a traveler she really wanted to talk to them! Her and Reef (#5478695) talked for some time. Some time after, Praciel came back and he too had another wolf with him, Night was very excited, she got to meet 2 travelers in one day. She chatted with Code (#5523787) for a while too. Couple months later she finally got to go out and explore on her own.
🐾 Robin 🌿 (#17217):
Exploring wasn't exactly what Night had expected. Sleeping alone in the forest was pretty scary, especially since she was used to sleeping within the warmth and safety of the pack. After a few nights of that, she came upon a strange looking portal. She sat down to ponder what it led to and if she should go inside. Just before she could make up her mind though, a wolf walked up from behind her to greet her. He said that going through the portal would be a dangerous decision, but that if she wanted to know more about it, she could come visit his pack. She agreed, wondering if she could stay for a few nights. On the way back, she explained that she was a traveling wolf and that this was her first encounter with a pack. The wolf had grinned and introduced himself as Night, a scout for Selene's Shadow. She thought it was funny that they shared a name and the two talked about that as they walked to the camp. When they got there, the Queen showed up to explain the portal.
Added Lunar Wisp