This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 14 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
a gentle yet heavy breath breaks the silence of the eerie forest
Pawsteps scour the foggy area, four wolves in search of something. Ears perked and noses twitching, the group comes to a hault.
The gray and black wolf in the lead raises her tail, carefully creeping forwards as the others watch anticipation. "Reveal yourself." She barks towards seemingly nothing within the thick fog. A male black wolf with gray eyes speaks up. "Crow?" She hushes him quickly, her gaze still piercing into the fog. Only shadows of the trees and bushes could be made out, yet one darkens as it approaches.
A large, thick-pelted canine reveals itself from the fog. As it lifts it's head, it's blank eyes and flesh-revealing face is seen clearer. The pack of wolves grimace and become uneasy at the sight. Crow's ears swivel backwards, though she lifts her chin. "Who and.. What are you?" Her stance remains tall.
The strange wolf stares without blinking. It finally answers, "Where are my pups." It's tone almost demanding, but yet so empty.
Crow glances over her shoulder at her pack, unsettled. She turns back to the strange canine, still disturbed at the sight of her ripped open flesh. "We haven't seen any lone pups."