I would like to have some rules for my travelers//
I will recall if needed
Don't sex-change.
Don't change their name or footnote, nor delete their bio.
Don't edit other users' entries.
Don't keep them for more than two weeks.
Return them to me at age 6 Years, 6 Months.
Please use the template provided below to document their stay with you.
Username and ID:
Pack Name:
Level Upon Arrival:
Level Upon Departure:
Stats Upon Arrival:
Stats Upon Departure:
Age Upon Arrival:
Age Upon Departure:
Decor Added (Optional, but Encouraged!):
Lore Entry:
Username and ID: Cat (6293668)
Pack Name: Fireclan.
Level Upon Arrival: 1
Level Upon Departure: 1
Stats Upon Arrival: 348
Stats Upon Departure: 348
Age Upon Arrival: 0 years
Age Upon Departure: 1 year 4 months
Decor Added (Optional, but Encouraged!):
Lore Entry: She left her home pack to travel the world.
Username and ID: Shatteredice9 #42268
Pack Name: TCD
Level Upon Arrival: 1
Level Upon Departure:
Stats Upon Arrival: 407
Stats Upon Departure:
Age Upon Arrival: 1y 5 1/2m
Age Upon Departure:
Decor Added (Optional, but Encouraged!):
Lore Entry: As leaf padded on she started to notice the environment slowly changing, the normally great Red woods slowly becoming like normal trees, she felt her shackles raising as she slowed down, soon stopping and observing a double waterfall she's never seen before, she soon glanced down at the area at the bottom, as she smelled the air she got a whiff of cows and wolves and the normal prey items she was used to smelling, she soon made her way down carefully, unsure how her surprise visit would bode. When reaching the bottom she was greeted by a petite white wolf, and her, what Leaf guessed, pups "hello" she said to the odd green wolf, and from there she met the alpha, getting to know about the pack through this White wolf as they traveled to the leads den.

Username and ID: Nothing #92278
Pack Name: Moonlight Lull
Level Upon Arrival: 1
Level Upon Departure: 1
Stats Upon Arrival: 407
Stats Upon Departure: 407
Age Upon Arrival: _
Age Upon Departure: 2yrs 4mnths1/2
Decor Added (Optional, but Encouraged!):
Lore Entry: