''hello! welcome to my little nook of the pack territory, this box here i guess i'll be putting some other info about me and logging strange or funny events that happen to me, especially since this is still all new to me since i couldn't remember much aside from waking up and wandering around.''
''this is just so people know a little more about me: the only things i can truly remember is that i can shadow walk and create a mist that i can use to pick items up with.... i try to keep this hidden from enemies and those i find untrustworthy, but wolves i trust wholeheartedly know about this and know to keep it a secret from those who shouldn't be allowed to learn this.''
Entry #1 2020-11-08:
''this was the strangest day of my whole life that i can remember! and that ain't too far back.... but it happened when i picked up a quest with the questing snake(nice little critter too!) and was told to come meet miss Tala back at home. when i got back i seen Tala talking with one of the newbies in the pack, said his name was Fredrick, and we were both apparently chosen for this quest nearing the end, and once she started explaining everything needed to know about nesting and a breeding male it all clicked and i swear to the moon goddess i was going to run and hide, 'think Fredrick was about to do the same... heh, once the quest ended i got my first two beautiful babies Priscilla and Cedric.''
Entry #2 2020-11-15:
''...this night was hell. i wake up feeling horrible and found out my darling baby Priscilla wandered off unattended and was trampled by a bull elk! one of these days i'll find that foul creature and make it pay.... once Tala helped me cure my illness, my sweetheart Grimm, Priscilla's sibling and father, and the others of the pack all gathered to give her a burial and pay our respects to a life so young snatched away from her mother. Cedric is still somewhat grieving along side his father. i just pray Cedric doesn't meet the same fate...''