This wolf may leave due to neglect! Make sure to feed and play with her!
This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 12 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Mainly want: GC, white/blue sages, badger pelts, red fox pelts/tails <- are priority, grizzly paws/pelts, elk antlers/ears, lynx pelts/tails/skulls, wraith/ghast/diana/losna/selene/airglow/caelum mark apps, diana/wisp/anwnn/selene/losna/caelum base apps, total eclipse/sapphire/azure/violet/moonshine eye apps, moon moon, magnificent rockies, dingo, and singing dog.
Willing to consider as ADD-ONS to above items only: black sages, custom decors, mustelid claws, and merged/kin/storm base & mark apps <- are priority bear skulls, wolverine pelt/skulls, large smoky quartz chunks, brown/red wolf pelts, coyote pelts, and grey fox pelts/tails.
Feel free to message me with any questions -> #4938