Birth Stats: 218
Special Mark Count: 2
Coat: Un-altered/natural.
Mutation: No.
For Sale: Please check my footnote. If I am for sale, there will be a flat price listed there. This is negotiable, so please don't feel afraid to inbox! If there is no price listed, anywhere or a "Taking Offers" - this means that I am up for offers, just remember to check the cave I am located in. Please feel free to offer on me! Currency is greatly preferred, but Items & mixtures are welcome. You can use this Personal Value's List, to better assist you in your offer or purchase! Thank you.
Question: What happens if I am not sold? Answers: A. I will be kept. B. I will be given to the [Sent 2 Destroy] Family. or C. I will be killed. There is no other options, for me - so please do not ask!
Pack/Training Interactions: