Found the 8th
Behold the Grinch, she hides away from all. Oh how she hates Christmas, the jolly and merry spirit makes her sick. It was on this day, December 8th that she was found. Hiding in the cold, unwelcoming home. She growls and grumbles, ushering you out of her house. She doesn't need you and your nonsense here. "Your happiness, oh it stinks! Look, I don't wanna make waves, but this whole Christmas season is stupid, stupid, stupid! Get out with your gifts, don't need none of your giggles! Get out, get out, GET OUT!"
Chased: Mountains
Changed: oxblood > black nose, Blue > Fae eyes, moss blotches removed
Added: wisp op, black cross, relaxed pose, Rotten ice (5gc), ice tunnel (someday lacadon jungle)
Extra expenses: elk heart and ibf