This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 1 rollover! She has a nest, and should give birth safely. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Bark grinned at her foster sister, Snake. Their piebald patterns had been fun to compare but now the two sisters were bored with the lack of fun. Across their camp they could see Sun sorting herbs lazily, seeming to sink down under the sunlight. For once, Bark thought, He doesn't have his bones! She turned towards her sister with a grin.
"You want to mess with Sun's bones?"
Snake looked strangely at her, tilting her head.
"But his bones are in his body?"
Bark rolled her eyes,
"His foresight bones!"
"The bones he uses to see the future!"
She yipped, exasperated.
"Oh! Aren't those like.. special?"
"Oh course they are, Snake. That's why if we get out paws on them we can ask them to tell us.. like our future of something! So, you in?"
Snake paused, before nodding vigorously. Bark knew her sister would agree, she always did. Bark stood up, her chin held high as she walked towards Sun, she leaned towards Snake,
"Only take like four bones. I'm going to distract him."
Snake nodded, her pawsteps masked by Bark's. Sun didn't suspect a thing and neither did the few wolves still in camp.
"Snake? Bark?" Sun asked, not looking up from his sundried herbs.
"Just me!"
Bark said quickly before her sister could speak. Snake nodded at her, disappearing into Sun's healing den