"Who are you? Some infatuated, love-struck wolf looking for their next conquest? Don't know what you want with me, then. Unless you want to talk how much better I am at things than you are? Also my name is Vernon."
Vernon is focused on organizing some of their stuff as you approach, and they pause to take something out of their stash in silence and pass it to you. A gift! Vernon smiles softly before going back to the work you interrupted. Gained 1x Hare Carcass!

Your wolf has become immortal. Go and see Vernon (#6470072)!
Your chosen wolf blinks in confusion as something unnerving and otherworldly happens to their eyes. Go and see Vernon (#6470072)!

spent: 70
I dont plan on getting any more decor wolves
Look. Okay. All of his stats are accurate. the actual wolf has the rigjt eyes, sex, base, personalit, skin, claws, everyting i could remeber. How could you be okay wiht an inaccurate one . Im a little upset that he isnt g1 ,,, i did NOT think about that,,, but he perfect in every other way