Helix grumbled as the young doubloon coated pup nipped at her paws surprisingly hard, her tail thumping from loss of patience. “Can you show my paws some mercy? you’re cute but man you are a brat when you become like this.” Helix rumbled pulling her beat front paws away from the female pup who then scrambled to get back to them without a response.
From afar Hawk laughed at the attack on Helix’s paws from the tiny attacker, meanwhile Mic raised her concern, “should we stop Ekor? Helix does need those paws for the future in her life” “Maybe, but at least Ekor is treating her more kindly than Blue Jay, i’ve never seen an almost adult wolf trot hurriedly from a pup who was trying to bite his tail” “in his defense Ekor does bite hard and fights harder than the normal pup should.” “well,, yes that to”
Helix yelped as Ekor dug her fangs into her front paws for the second time today of watching over her.